2023 Awards Winners
PREMIER AWARD - Sponsored by Impressions Art Supplies and Framing, Richmond, Nelson Pine and Tasman Art Focus Group. Additionally the Award winner received a subscription to NZ Artist Magazine.
Jana Branca of New Plymouth for “Promised Land”
MERIT AWARDS x 4 - Sponsored by Daler Rowney, Golden, Liquitex, Winsor & Newton, Accessman and The Tasman Art Focus Group - additionally each winner received a subscription to NZ Artist Magazine
Merit Award - Bernadette Ballantyne of Morrinsville for “Kiwi Kid”
Merit Award - Caroline Bellamy of Richmond for “First Light Mt Burn - Fiordland”
Merit Award - Audrey Anderson of Nelson for “See the City for the Forest”
Merit Award - Danielle Yealands of Nelson for “Promise”
ART FOCUS CATEGORY AWARD - Abstract/Non-objective - sponsored by Tasman Art Focus Group
- additionally the Award winner received a subscription to NZ Artist Magazine
Judy Woods of Maungatapere (Nthland) for “Cruiser”
ART FOCUS MEDIUM AWARD - OILS - Sponsored by Emma McCashin of Summit Real Estate and Tasman Art Focus Group
- additionally the Award winner received a subscription to NZ Artist Magazine
Ashlee O’Hagan of Auckland for “Follow”
NBS People’s Choice Award - Jennifer Stebbings for “The Team”